Waiting and watching, as today is the twelfth day since the clutch of eggs was complete...any moment now, we should have hatchlings! We wrote haiku about our lesser goldfinch experience, and the kids dubbed them 'birdku' in honor of the book Dogku by Andrew Clements. Such fun!
One of the things I forgot to write about last week was how several of the students talked about the 'bird viewing platform' in our classroom being like going to the zoo or the aquarium (after all, the window is glass!). I pointed out to them that the difference was that we were the ones in the cage, not the birds, and they thought that was funny! I suppose it's like having our own magic school bus trip right in our portable...we could be the magic school portable!
I did find out through a little internet research that the reason these birds are called Lesser Goldfinches is that they are the smallest finches, not because they are less beautiful than any other birds!
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