Sunday, January 11, 2009

Katie's swan

Katie called me on a Wednesday afternoon and said "Mom, there's this big white bird and I don't know what it is! I ran back to my dorm and got my camera and found some batteries for it, and when I got back, it was still there! What is it?"
I laughed and told her I'd have to get off the phone to look at the pictures, as we had a dial up connection. Her email was labeled: big white bird! And the three pictures above were labeled: big bird, duck thing, and goose or swan or something. I called her back and told her it was a swan.
She said "Oh wow, I've never seen a swan before!" I said yes you have, don't you remember the swans in the pond in front of the castle at Disneyland? And she said, "Oh mom, that place is so surreal, I would have never thought those were real birds!"
The email was dated Wednesday, April 14, 2004 at 2:31.