Friday, January 2, 2009

Quote by Molly Fumia

Rest assured that in her dying, in her flight

through darkness towrds a new light, she

held you in her arms and carried your closeness

with her. And when she arrived at God, your image

was imprinted on her joy filled soul.

~Molly Fumia from Safe Passage

I keep a picture of Katie tucked in Molly Fumia's Safe Passage marking this quote. It's a snapshot my dad took on Katie's graduation night from high school, and she's in her red gown without her cap and has a very relaxed smile.
I've read this piece over and over for comfort. I hate thinking of her dying alone, so the thought that she carried me with her is comforting. It's my hope, my prayer.


  1. Oh, Lisa. You found my blog, and I suspect it is because I write about my daughter Sophie from time to time. Every one of your posts here has resonated for me, for different reasons. I carried Molly Fumia's book with me for a long time, and this quote was one that I turned to so many times.

    One of the things that has carried me through this journey since my daughter died, was the knowing that this is a universal experience: one that cuts across cultures, across time, even across species ...

    You might look for an album called The Water Lily by a folk singer named Priscilla Herdman.

    Please stay in touch, via blogging or email me if you like.

  2. Thanks for writing Suzy,
    I emailed you a really long ramble trying to figure out how Katie's death being a universal experience could help me. Maybe you could share with me how that works for you?

    Katie was dead for several days and I didn't know it. How could my child leave this Earth without me knowing it?

    Your dream of the old-ones encircling and embracing Sophie, or my friend Kathy holding her son Michael, sensing spirits in the room with them while he died...these experiences sound so comforting, that your children continue on and they aren't alone. I didn't get that. How can I find hope that Katie exists so that one day I can be with her again?
